Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The miserable world of Editors

I love Editors and we saw them for the second time last week. I can't help but jump up and down when I hear their music and I have to listen to it as loud as I can to really appreciate the soaring guitars. However, the lyrics are very repetitive and very miserable. There is nothing wrong with a bit of misery. Good songs usually need emotion and passion to make them good - see the Smiths, Joy Division, Radiohead and Suede - but Editors are really quite depressing if you listen too closely. So I haven't... until now!

Here, for your enjoyment, is my top ten miserable Editors lyrics ...

10) I'm drained and I'm empty (Escape the nest)

9) Don't want to go out on my own anymore. Can't face the night like I used to before. (Well worn hand)

8) Well be careful angel, this life is just too long. All sparks will burn out in the end. (All sparks)

7) If a plane were to fall from the sky, how big a hole would it make in the surface of the Earth? (Racing rats)

6) You don't need this disease, not right now. (Bullets)

5) We've all changed from what we were. Our broken hearts smashed on the floor. (Smokers outside the hospital doors)

4) Everything I ever wanted is right here but soon it won't be. (Lights)

3) More and more people I know are getting ill. (An end has a start)

2) Keep a light on those you love, they won't be there when you die. (Weight of the world)

1) Say goodbye to everyone you have ever known, you're not gonna see them ever again. (Smokers outside the hospital doors)

It is customary to listen to the artist you are going to see on the way to a gig. On the way home, however, you choose as different music as possible to the artist you have just seen. So, on the way home from Editors the other night we listened to The Young Knives and the 2007 French Eurovision entry



Blogger Simes said...

I thought I should mention how like Morrissey he is trying to be all of a sudden. All gay arms and no smiling. Doesn't work for me unless it's the real Morrissey.

I loved the music though. Soaring guitars aplenty!

5:22 am  
Blogger Princess Sarah said...

Finally the French have a sense of humour!

I enjoyed becoming depressed by reading those lyrics, it made me realise that I like being happy. Laughter is good for the soul.

Thought you might be interested in this: (hope it works)

8:24 am  
Blogger George said...

I love Editors.

But my god you're right.

6:01 am  

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