Chain reaction

Dog walking in the winter is putting your wellies on, your hood up and getting it over with as quickly as possible. But in the summer I never want our walks to end. Max rests in between running after his tennis ball while I stretch out on the grass and make daisy chains. I don't remember ever making them as a child. I probably didn't appreciate them when I was young. I am making up for it now though!

Ah, that's so lovely! You look so preeedy. We should have a daisy making event/challenge. Even the boys can join in - they'd probably enjoy it!
I have never been able to make Daisy Chains because i chew my nails so can not make that little loop hole that is required. Maybe I could take my pen knife with me next time. hee.
Your chains look wonderful. Well done to you and Max for being so creative.
I miss you both (and simes) so much, so much has happened, can I come up again soon?
Badger xx
PS. Did you take these pics with your new phone? If so they are fantabulous! x
Badger - you are welcome in my set any time you like. I miss you too!
I did take those pics with my new phone. God bless Bluetooth - it makes life so easy!
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