Beanbag not supplied

I've got a bit behind with my gig blogging of late so here is the start of lots of musical musings. The first of these is Scott Matthews at the Norwich Waterfront. I've been enjoying Scott's music for a few months now and since I got the album Passing Stranger for my birthday in February it has been pretty much a constant fixture in my iTunes. I love his dreamy songs and funky tabla bits and I was very interested to see how this would sound live.
When Scott walked out on to the stage with his guitar and started playing his first song a hush spread across the audience. I had forgotten what it's like to see a proper guitarist and the way he produced such a rich tapestry of melody, harmony and rhythm from one instrument was spellbinding. I found that for most of the gig I had my eyes shut, floating on the music, and I really could have dozed off if I had been sat down. I guess everyone would have been asleep if beanbags were provided so it's probably for the best that they weren't. My favourite songs from the album were interestingly not my favourite live. The best song I thought was "Eyes wider than before" when Scott played with a cellist and the instrument's long soaring notes made every one of the hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention. Having listened back to the song on the CD you can hardly hear the cello which is a real shame.
Labels: "Scott Matthews" "Passing Stranger" guitar "Norwich Waterfront"
Wow, that's a brilliant review. You should come and work for the EDP!
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