The cardigan game

There is a house I pass regularly in the dark and, without fail, there is always a lady sitting in front of the window reading a book or knitting while wearing a cardigan. I've passed by there as late as midnight and she is there, always in the same position with the light on and the curtains open. The only thing ever to change is the colour of her cardigan. She has a wide range of cardigans, but always solid colours, nothing fancy. I began to notice that sometimes she would change them every day and then other times she would wear the same one for several days in a row.
This is how the cardigan game was born. On approach to the house now my travelling partner and I state which colour cardigan we think she will be wearing. Whoever is correct is the victor!
We have been playing the cardigan game for quite some months now and I hope that we can continue to play it in the summer when the weather is warmer...
Lets hope so or you may end up playing the naked lady game! I dont think she owns any other clothing.
Ew Badger! That's not an image I want in my head!
I answered the door the other day to my new neighbour and it was only afterwards I realised I was wearing a home-knit cardigan. I had been so cold you see.
I hope that they do not decide to start playing the game with me as they will be disappointed - I only have one!
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