Mr Perry lives

When I was a child, before I left Norwich, I used to enjoy all of the interesting characters that the city had to offer. One of my favourites was Mr Perry the puppet man. So enamoured was I with Mr Perry that we actually named one of our dog's toys after him. In 1997 I moved from Norwich to London and in that same year Mr Perry vanished. Coincidentally, when I returned to Norfolk last year so did he.
I knew that he had returned due to the following article in the local paper but I had not seen him for myself until last weekend. He was as good as I remember. I am obviously not the only one to have enjoyed his unique brand of puppetry as he has popped up on YouTube too. To get the full Mr Perry effect, look here
Here is the story from the Norwich Evening News which heralded his return last year. I would just like to add that he and I grew up in the same area of Norwich so I feel that he is almost family.
The puppet man is back
14 July 2006
Following a nine-year break, Norwich’s famous puppet man David Perry is back on Gentleman’s Walk with his one-man show.
For years shoppers in Norwich were entertained, and sometimes enraged, by his unique dancing puppet shows, until stingy benefit bosses ordered his performances to stop.
Now, following a nine year hiatus, Norwich's famous 'Puppet Man' is back on Gentleman's Walk with his one man show.
Street busker David Perry was a well-known character in the city for more than 10 years thanks to his virtuoso part puppet, part karaoke performances.
But in 1997 he hung up his puppets when his incapacity benefit was cancelled because he was out making money.
Now he has returned to his favourite venue after being told he could perform in the city centre, as long as he does not make more than £20 a week.
Mr Perry, 63, from Oak Street, said: “I am now on pension credit but they say I can do this for two days a week as long as I don't make any more than £20. Because I am a pensioner I don't need a busker's licence.”
For the uninitiated, Mr Perry's show consists of a variety of dancing performances from his four puppets; Dougal the purple dog on string, Roy Waller a snake made out of a sock, Billy McDog a canine hand puppet and Big Tom a duck, backed up by music from his battery powered ghetto blaster.
Occasionally Mr Perry himself takes centre stage and sings using a microphone, however he says he has been unable to do this recently because his amp blew.
Mr Perry says that he performs to 'make people happy' and to try and raise some cash. However, he admits that his performances are not loved by all.
He said: “The reaction has been mixed. Some people say how lovely it is and give you a couple of quid but you get some people who call you an idiot.
“I just like to express myself though. But I do get carried away sometimes, I have to admit.”
Mr Perry was born in Hellesdon and has lived in the area all his life. He has worked for numerous firms in the city but has been unemployed since the 70s.
In 1998 he hit the headlines when his arm was broken following an attack by a 16-year-old armed with a curtain pole.
I love the Puppet Man! On the rare occasions I'm let out of the office, I try and head in his direction. He's hilarious - and apparently, not very self-aware!
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