A cowgirl needs...

I have been tagged by my good friend Badger to do a Google-based Meme. In turn I tag Princess Sarah. Heres what you have to do. Go to Google and type in your blogger name followed by the word 'needs'. For example: "Cowgirl needs" - then check out your results and list them.
I initially tried "Cornish cowgirl needs" but did not come up with a single result so shortened it to "cowgirl needs". I think most of these are actually true in my case!
Cowgirl needs your help to form a posse
Cowgirl needs a cowboy to do the Pecos promenade
Cowgirl needs a forever home
Cowgirl needs a pink straw hat
Cowgirl needs to carry her trick rope with her
Cowgirl needs three things: a good horse, a good dog and a tall bush (2 out of 3 ain't bad!)
Cowgirl needs: fancy shirt, stylish pants, gloves, hat, lasso...
Cowgirl needs a place to get things done
Cowgirl needs nourishment
Cowgirl needs a comfortable and fashionable home and barn
Cowgirl needs her feet done as owner has been short on funds and can't afford to have them done
Cowgirl needs time to read when she ain't busy ropin' calves and all that
Cowgirl needs a pair of six shooter pistols
Cowgirl needs a trusty steed
Cowgirl needs to walk to work
PMSL! I will help you form your posse, and you can always borrow my pink cowgirl hat (which is sort of made of straw).
But I would like to see you walk to work. lady!
Oh, Princess Sarah is me ...I'll get right on it.
Yes Princess Sarah - get to work!
I was hoping you would say that you would lend me your pink hat. And help me form a posse.
The ones I thought were most applicable to me were:
Cowgirl needs a forever home
Cowgirl needs time to read when she ain't busy ropin' calves and all that
This was my favourite:
Cowgirl needs her feet done as owner has been short on funds and can't afford to have them done
I have done mine now. They are scarily accurate.
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