Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Chain reaction

Dog walking in the winter is putting your wellies on, your hood up and getting it over with as quickly as possible. But in the summer I never want our walks to end. Max rests in between running after his tennis ball while I stretch out on the grass and make daisy chains. I don't remember ever making them as a child. I probably didn't appreciate them when I was young. I am making up for it now though!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dad # 8 - Bill Murray

Bill Murray has kids about my age so this is a good start. I have no idea what he is like but he is one of my favourite actors starring in some of my favourite films - Lost in Translation, Ghostbusters, Broken Flowers, Rushmore, Scrooged and Groundhog Day. Ever seen a bad Bill Murray film? I thought not!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My 10 commandments

Following on from Scroobius Pip's excellent Thou Shalt Always Kill I have decided to compose my own 10 commandments - those rules that I live my own life by. I challenge you to do the same!

1) Thou shalt not watch a film starring Tom Hanks unless it is Big or The Burbs

2) Thou shalt not eat Pot Noodle

3) Thou shalt not drink at gigs

4) Thou shalt not leave thy teabag unattended

5) Thou shalt not wear uncomfortable shoes

6) Thou shalt not say "PIN number" or write a London phone number with a four figure dialling code

7) Thou shalt not underestimate Dr Quincy

8) Thou shalt not follow soap operas

9) Thou shalt not swallow Nytol with caffinated tea

10) Thou shalt not line dance